In the fall and spring semesters, we offer 12-week Training Classes to help you know and apply the Word of God. Each class combines teaching, small group discussion, and some study to be done alone.
Study a book of the Bible in community with other women
Study a book of the Bible in community with other men
In the fall and spring semesters, we offer 4- and 6-week Equipping Classes to help biblically equip you on various topics.
Develop a lifestyle centered around biblical evangelism
Cultivate a heart that trusts God and a life that glorifies Him amidst suffering
Learn about missions according to the Bible and consider where God might be sending you
Learn to engage in conversation between you and God in an authentic and meaningful way
The Training Program is a year long discipleship initiative. We will study the Christian Story and Christian Belief, while also practicing the spiritual disciplines and participating in evangelism. Our hope is to equip participants with a robust theology and a life deeply formed by Jesus, all done in the context of community.
Applications for the Program will open this spring.
We are always looking for men and women to lead Bible Class tables.
Have a question about Northway Training? Would you like to talk with a member of our team?