Care & Counseling

Northway Church desires to be a people who care for one another with the hope of the gospel in the suffering and struggles of everyday life.

Christlike care leading to Christ-centered change

Gospel Care

Gospel Care is a 12-week discipleship process that practically applies the hope of the gospel to daily life. 

Through biblical instruction paired with a personal discipleship and care relationship, participants learn how God’s story of redemption transforms their own stories to bring salvation and life change through Jesus Christ. This class meets every semester in conjunction with Northway Training.

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Biblical Counseling

We offer Christ-centered biblical counseling to our members. 

Biblical counseling is the personal, Holy Spirit-led application of God’s Word to issues of sin and suffering in light of the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. All counselors at Northway Church are certified biblical counselors or have received graduate-level training in biblical counseling.

Email for more information.

Premarital Counseling

For Northway Church members who are engaged, we offer an 8-week premarital counseling class. This class prepares couples for a marriage centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ from the foundation of God's Word.

Premarital Counseling is offered three times a year to Northway members and includes weekly teaching, outside homework, and a mentor relationship with an experienced couple. The next class begins May 18th with registration closing April 18th. For more information and to apply to participate, please email

Learn more & register

Help, healing and restoration through Jesus Christ

Need Immediate Help?

If you are a victim of domestic violence or struggling with suicide, we would encourage you to get immediate help. 

Domestic violence hotline Suicide prevention hotline

Contact the Care and Counseling Team

Have questions about Care and Counseling? Want to connect with a member of our team? Please reach out if you want to learn more about our ministry. 

Contact us