Spiritual Formation


Tyler Smith


F202 (2nd Floor, Worship Center Building)

Date & Time

Need to Knows

6:00-7:20 pm, September 4-November 20

Cost: $30

Registration closed on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Spiritual Formation registration is now closed for the Fall semester. This class may be offered again in future semesters.

In 1 Timothy 4:7, the Apostle Paul exhorted the church to "discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness." The aim of this class is intended to help followers of Christ grow in our relationship with the Lord and become more effective in our walk with Him. We will seek to train ourselves in some of the key spiritual disciplines that help form Christian life. Helpful rhythms we'll look at include (but are not limited to): Prayer, Sabbath, Fasting, and Worship.