New to Northway is a great chance to learn about Northway Church and our upcoming events, classes, and community. You will also meet staff members and others looking to get connected.
Feb 2 at 10:30 AM
F202 (2nd Floor, Worship Center Building)
We’re devoting an entire weekend to being informed and transformed by God’s heart for the nations. On Friday evening, we’ll be joined by Chad Farmer, our partner at Mustard Seed Network in Japan.
Feb 7 at 6:30 PM
Northway's Campus
We’re devoting an entire weekend to being informed and transformed by God’s heart for the nations. On Saturday, we’ll have interactive workshops and spaces where our hearts and minds will be engaged to have a greater understanding and awareness of our role in the Great Commission.
Feb 8 at 9:00 AM
If you've added to your family through birth or adoption we would love to celebrate you in a parent commissioning as a part of Celebration Sunday on February 23rd! To be a part of that commissioning you'll need to participate in a class.
Feb 9 at 11:15 AM
Hardin Hall
Members who are interested in or have recently begun leading a Gospel Community at Northway are invited to join us for New Leader Training.
Feb 23 at 1:00 PM
F204 (2nd Floor, Worship Center Building)
Young Adults! Join us for a retreat this spring with The Village Church.
Mar 14 at 6:00 PM
Allasso Ranch